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School Site Council - SSC

The School Site Council meets the third Wednesday of each month at 4:30 p.m. via Google Meets to learn about the effectiveness of the programs and services that support student learning.  All parents are eligible to become a member of the School Site Council, and are elected by parent ballot at Back to School Night.  All parents may nominate themselves or another parent to the 5 parent positions on the Council.  Parents elected to the Council work collaboratively with the principal and elected teachers and support staff. to insure that teachers meet the academic goals identified each year in the School Plan.   All Council members provide input and support throughout the school year in the review and revision of the Plan, as it relates to the use of state and federal funds provided to the school to enhance student achievement.
All other parents may attend any meeting as non-voting members.  Parents are encouraged to attend meetings as a non-voting member or alternate member to learn about the role and responsibilities of the Council.  Children are permitted to attend the meetings under the supervision of their parent.  Council members take turns in providing dinner at the meetings.