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English Language Advisory Committee - ELAC

Parents of students identified as English Language Learners (ELL) are invited to become members of the English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC) that meets bi-monthly to inform all parents of the services provided to support the development of fluency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in English as a second language.  Parents are invited to meet in family groups by home language and/or to meet with parents from mixed language groups.  All parents are also invited to attend a district Parent University held in the spring to present guest lectures on topics of interest to parents.  Meeting dates are published in the monthly family news letter, and promoted by written announcements and/or phone calls to families when possible.
One or more parents from the Summerdale ELAC represent Summerdale School at the monthly District English Language Advisory Committee (DELAC) meeting where all schools are represented and members hear special topics discussed related to district issues and plans related to students learning English.  District meetings are held at the district office in the evening and child care is provided.  Each meeting begins with a sharing of food contributed by attending members.  All DELAC members