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About Us

Summerdale School is located at 1100 Summerdale Drive San Jose, CA. The school office is open from 7:30 am to 4:00 pm.  Classes begin daily at 8:15 for all grades TK-5.  School ends at 12:45 p.m. for TK, 2:00 p.m. for Kinders and 2:30 for students in grades 1-5.  EVERY Thursday ALL students in grades K-5 attend school from 8:15 to 1:00.  TK students will be dismissed at the regular time of 12:45 p.m. 

Summerdale staff members work collaboratively with families to provide optimum learning opportunities for all students.  Using results from the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP), district benchmark, and chapter and units assessments, teachers analyze literacy and computational skills to plan instructional support for mastery of reading comprehension, writing, computation, and problem-solving.   In addition to daily small group instruction with scaffolded instruction in the classroom, students identified for additional literacy instruction may attend Title I individual or small group reading or math reinforcement.  Students identified as English Learners attend a daily instructional period of English instruction, based on their scores on the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) administered by district and school staff members at the beginning of the school year.  Raising student achievement continues to be the primary goal of all Summerdale staff and families.

Programs and services at Summerdale focus on having all students master grade-level state standards, and learn school skills that promote positive school citizenship.   Highly qualified teachers collaborate in bi-monthly grade-level collaborative meetings to plan instruction that will most effectively address the assessed needs of their students.  Monthly staff meetings, as well as district and/or site professional development workshops, extend the instructional expertise and skills related to their instructional programs.  The principal distributes a monthly school newsletter to all families,  highlighting meetings for parents, special events, and topics of interest, while monthly meetings and holidays are posted also on the school website and marquee in front of the school.  Teachers also distribute class information to families on a weekly or monthly basis to inform them of targeted standards, homework assignments, and or special news.  Twice a year, parents are invited to a teacher conference to review the academic and social progress to date of their student/s, as documented in the district report card and sample student work. Each year, teachers review classroom expectations and grade-level standards for the families of their students at the Back to School Night event in the fall, and each spring teachers showcase student accomplishments at Open House.  Families also may request a teacher conference by calling to schedule an appointment with the teacher before or after school.

To enrich the learning experience of all students at Summerdale, the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA), the teachers, and other community members. host special assemblies and/or activities that may include visits by wild animals and opera stars, as well as adventurous excursions to a zoo, farm, park, or library. All fifth-grade students have the opportunity to earn funds to cover the fees of the annual four-day science class experience in a camp setting in the Santa Cruz redwoods to support their base of knowledge for the annual CAASPP assessment in science. Music teachers offer students in grades 2, 3, 4, and 5, instruction in music for band or strings and showcase student talent in two annual performances for the community.  Students talented in art and writing submit their achievements in annual district and county competitions, while students with performance talents enter the annual school talent show.  All students participate in the annual Field Day to play special games, supervised by parent and community volunteers.

With the support of the Berryessa Board of Education and the district administration, Summerdale School receives excellent maintenance services that enhance the safety and aesthetics of the site for its occupants and their neighbors.  Parents and community members address the needs of the students and staff by serving on special committees such as the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA), the School Site Council (SSC), the English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC).  Working together, students, staff,  and the community provide an environment where all students can Stay Safe, Treat Others with Kindness, Act Responsibly, and Respect Others (STAR) every day in every way.