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Principal's Message

Dear Families/Caregivers,

Welcome to Summerdale, home of the Summerdale STARS!  Summerdale Elementary School, located in San Jose, serves a diverse community of learners from various backgrounds, languages, and socioeconomic statuses.  Families are welcomed into the Summerdale community with warmth, flexibility, and grace.  We encourage student caregivers to feel comfortable and confident to provide their input as well as donate their time to the school community.  

Summerdale as an extension of the greater Berryessa community strives to create an environment where students are celebrated for their individuality and uniqueness.  We hope that this environment will foster and promote growth and awareness among our students.  We want them to leave Summerdale motivated and charged to think critically and be problem-solvers who will have the necessary skills to develop and create long-lasting change in their community and beyond.  

Our dedicated educators have participated in various professional development opportunities focused on 21st Century Skills (communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity), Career and College Readiness, and Common Core State Standards.  In addition, Summerdale participates in the Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (P.B.I.S.) program.  PBIS is a positive approach to supporting youth to be successful in schools and facilities.  P.B.I.S. was developed from research in the fields of behavior theory and effective instruction. It supports all youth through interventions ranging from a site-wide system to individualized plans for specific students. The main goal of P.B.I.S. at Summerdale is to establish a climate in which appropriate behavior is the norm.  Summerdale school-wide behavior expectations are that students will demonstrate STAR behavior, Stay Safe, Treat Others with Kindness, Act Responsibly, and Respect Others.  

We intend to work closely with our community, sharing the responsibility of teaching and learning among parents, teachers, and children while working towards every child’s success and positive mental well-being.  Our goal is to partner with you in your child(ren) education.  As a school, we need your ideas, support, and encouragement to build a strong community education program.  

We look forward to collaborating with you and your child(ren) as they embark on their educational journey.

Shine bright like a STAR!

Dr. Samantha Rainer
Principal, Summerdale Elementary